5 Element Acupuncture for Busy Practitioners Intake Self-Assessment

Please fill out this assessment in order to understand how you feel about your practice and the 5 elements before you start the program. You’ll fill out a similar survey at the end of the program so you can compare and see what’s shifted for you!

1 — least familiar, I know very little about them2345 — most familiar, I consider myself an expert

Please rate each of the following on a scale of 1 to 10 about your current practice.

1 — not true at all2345678910 — very true
1 — not true at all2345678910 — very true
1 — not true at all2345678910 — very true
1 — not true at all2345678910 — very true
1 — not true at all2345678910 — very true
1 — not true at all2345678910 — very true
1 — not true at all2345678910 — very true

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