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How to Use a Castor Oil Pack

Try this traditional naturopathic remedy for aches, pains, detox, and more

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Castor oil packs are a super simple old-timey naturopathic treatment that are perfect for your modern day maladies.

They can help to relieve pain, decrease inflammation, improve circulation, boost immunity, aid in detoxification, and loosen scar tissue.

They’re an affordable, relaxing way to support your health and they’re one of the most common things I recommend to my patients.

My guide will teach you:

The materials you need for castor oil packs (complete with product links)

How long and how often to do castor oil packs

How to perform a castor oil pack

Alternative options to the full pack if you’re crunched for time

Tons of tips I’ve learned over the years recommending this therapy to my patients

Get Your Free Caster Oil Pack Guide

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