6 Steps To Making You A Priority In Your Own Life How Self-Care is Crucial to Our Health and Happiness
Imagine with me for a second that a good friend of yours — let’s call them Pat — says, “Oh, I’ve got to get going. I’m headed to my weekly spa appointment."
What are your initial reactions?
Be honest. It’s just you and a computer screen.
Envy? Anger? Criticism around his or her use of time and money?
Some of you might respond internally with a “Great! Good for you, Pat!”, and not dwell a moment longer.
But I think the majority of us would feel twinges of those aforementioned emotions.
Now you’re just confused and frustrated for feeling that way.
Wait for it….and now the guilt is setting in. A double whammy!
Why can’t we be happily unattached regarding our theoretical friend Pat?